A 14-year-old schoolgirl killed herself after being bullied by online trolls who told her to 'drink bleach' and 'go get cancer'. Hannah Smith, from Lutterworth, Leicestershire, was found dead on Friday after being sent abusive messages on controversial website Ask.fm.
After a barrage of abuse Hannah posted the handwritten message: 'You think you want to die but in reality you just want to be saved' on the day before she died.
Her devastated parents posted the terrible news online and attacked the social media site for not doing more to tackle bullies and called for it to be banned.
Hannah's father Dave Smith wrote on Facebook: 'On Friday morning my daughter was found hanged last night i seen her ask fm account and someone had been telling her to die'.
The heartbroken father, who owns a cleaning services company, continued: 'My heart is broken in 2 and is gonna take along time to repair i just hope that none of you have to go through the pain im going through rite now and love u all.
'What's left after hannah took here own life. 'Me and jo sleep down stairs now - we don't have a bed time. 'We have to go for walks regular as we cant bear being in this empty house.'
It came as the debate over cyber-bullying continues to rage as several high-profile women, including MPs, have been threatened with rape and murder by trolls.
Ask fm user Chloe India posted on the website: 'R.I.P. Hannah Smith, she killed herself due to ask.fm and bullying. The haters need to realize.
'These situations need handling fast, too many people commit suicide because of the haters / cyber bully's on here and any other social networking sites'.
Ask.fm, which launched in 2010, has been heavily criticised by anti-bullying charities because it allows users to post anonymous comments or questions - often of a sexual or insulting nature - on the pages of children as young as 13.
It's not the first time a teenager has taken their own life after being trolled on the website.
Upsetting: Hannah's family and friends have paid tribute to the 'beautiful' 14-year-old
Josh Unsworth, 15, had endured months of abusive messages on his profile and was found hanged in his parent's garden in April.
The notorious social networking website has been described by child safety experts as a 'stalker's paradise'.
A tribute page has been set-up on social media websites in memory of the tragic teenager and has gained support from more than 4,000 people.
The page described Hannah as a 'beautiful young girl who everyone loved very much.'
Ashlee Jadeyy Hutchinson said: 'hey Hannah so sad to here all that has gone you were always happy you had a golden heart but who were we too no that your golden heart was hurting this much i promise i will do anything to make sure that ask.fm gets closed down you didn't deserve this and i will miss u.'
Hannah's cousin, Matt Hubbard, paid tribute to her and said: 'Most energetic and daft girl I've ever met it was a pleasure to be your cousin!'
Campaign group Harborough Against bullying Midlands said: 'We were saddened today to hear of a girl of only 14 taking her life. She was being bullied. Our heart felt thoughts are with her loved ones at this tragic time.'
An online petition has been set-up criticising Ask.Fm and demanding it to be shut down. Hannah's stepmother Deb posted: 'We are behind you on getting this vile website shut down. My beautiful step daughter Hannah Smith tragically took her life this week , we have since found out she was being bullied on Ask.fm'.
The petition says cyber-bullying is an increasing problem in the UK and states: 'Cyber-Bullying has been an ever increasing problem within the UK for a considerable amount of time with one of the biggest offenders becoming Ask.Fm, a site popular amongst young people where posts can be made with confidence anonymously which has led to bullying, mental health problems and suicides as well as grooming.
'The problem cannot be allowed to persist and whilst there is public opinion about digital rights please sign if you would like the Government to step in and insist that Ask.fm and similar sites help us protect our young people. They are able to join from the age of 13 and can post anonymously. There is no option to block other users and only a basic 'report' button.'
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