
Wednesday, 12 November 2014

7 Easy Ways To Lose Weight When You Are Feeling Lazy, And Don’t Want To Work Out


Alright I’m assuming since you came to this post that you are lazy. And you don’t want to work out. Lol, we all have our moments in life, so I will not judge you! Here are some tips for things that I do when I am feeling lazy, and I know that I am not going to make it to the gym or do my stomach exercises. Now don’t get me wrong, I still recommend working out, but if you are feeling lazy, here is a way to lose weight. You’re going to have to play mental tricks on yourself, as well as physical tricks on your body.

1. Track what you’re eating. Lol, the goal is to make yourself feel guilty. If you write down everything that you’ve eaten throughout the day, you’ll notice that you may be over eating, and you will be less likely to continue to stuffing your face with high calorie junk. And this does not mean to starve yourself. Learn the difference between HUNGER and a CRAVING…Hunger means you want any kind of food to fill your belly, a craving means that you have a specific food in mind that you want to eat. DO-NOT-GIVE-INTO-YOUR-CRAVINGS

2. Weigh yourself daily…Maybe even twice a day..I’m just saying! Lol, if you know how much you weigh, you’re also going to feel guilty and you’re going to stop yourself from overeating. I know,you have to have some will power, but what did you expect? You’re not working out! You can’t get something for nothing.

3. Always start your meal with a soup or a salad. Trust me, this is so clutch! Soups and salads fill you up, but they don’t add as much weight to your body. This way you trick your body into thinking that you’ve eaten way more than you actually have, and you don’t have to feel like you’re depriving yourself of food.

4. Always eat breakfast. I don’t care if you don’t usually prefer to eat in the mornings, you need to start. There have been hundreds of studies that prove that those who skip breakfast WEIGH MORE, because they are always over eating throughout the day. So my recommendation? Eat breakfast, get you metabolism going, and eat some balanced meals the rest of the day, like you’re supposed to.

5. Drink water. Yay water! It makes you feel full and guess what, you get rid of water weight so quickly and easily, and we all know how. Lol.

6. Keep cut vegetables and fruits in your fridge, or in your purse if you’re on the go. This one has seriously helped me out. I have a confession. I like candy. No, I LOVE candy. I would eat candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could. I just love sweets, and I can’t help myself. Siiiiiigh. So what do I do to compensate for this? I buy REALLY sweet fruits, which are actually very good for you, filling, and extremely satisfying to my taste buds.

7. Get rid of all temptation. Don’t make things hard on yourself. If you know that having food in your pantry that is fattening, is going to be a big temptation for you, then simply get rid of it. AND DON’T EAT IT ALL AND SAY “I will start my diet after I eat all of my fattening foods” …Do not do that. You’re lying to yourself, and you know it.
